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In the Image of God He Created Man

Bible Translation

If, according to philosopher Gordon Clark, "all knowledge is always a combination of form and content, (and if) we cannot know the form without the content," then form and content must, in the words of linguist Kenneth Pike, be "packaged right."
Failure on the part of Biblical scholars to recognize that nomos, 'law' absent the Greek article represents an abstraction rather than as a set of codified rights, duties, and obligations has "legalized" Christianity. In the words of one scholar, "Recognition of the qualitative usage of nouns [signaled by absence of article] is of extreme importance in the translation and interpretation of the New Testament. That the significance of this usage is not generally recognized. ..."
The Meaning of nómos in Romans 5:20

As a Bible translator, I discovered that one of the most mistranslated versus in the Bible was Romans 5:20, "Now the law (νÏŒμος) came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, ..."(ESV). As a translator, I had to ask myself: What exactly was the apostle Paul signifying by absenting the Greek article before νÏŒμος? If it "came in secretly by stealth" (παρεισῆλθον), how could it possibly be the Law of Moses?