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In the Image of God He Created Man

Etic Data aka Constants
In the academic community, for ideological, philosophical, and religious reasons, there is a great deal of confusion as to what the term etic means. As illustrated in the pic, there exists an “outside perspective." But what does “outside” mean? Does it mean the perspective of “an informed outside analyst” as proposed by Charles Kraft and others, or does the phrase “outside perspective” mean a heavenly Divine perspective?
2. Etic Data (archetype in the Unconscious Mind?
Kenneth Pike, as a linguist, deduced he could extend the concepts of phonetic and phonemic used in linguistics to the behavioral sciences. He was proposing that there existed a scientific, culture-free way to analysis human behavior, both verbal and non-verbal. It was a revolutionary idea, the idea that the subconscious was structured with “Innate positive universals” which could be discovered. But the idea was not new.
3. "Cultures Lie". --Plato
Plato was aware that cultures lie. For the materialists, contrary to what Plato recognized to be true, no culture lies. If anyone declares that cultures do lie, as Plato did, they “will never be understood, let alone believed.” Yet there is not a culture in the world which does not produce what we Americans presently call “Fake News," a term popularized in 2016 during and after the US presidential election.
4. The Struggle: Right Versus Wrong

Before missionaries ever arrived in Winnebago land over 300 years ago, Winnebago native philosophers were fully aware of the existence of a spiritual struggle common to all people. These sages visualized this struggle as a struggle between the left arm of ethical values of right and wrong and the right arm representing a life-way designed to satisfy the needs of the body.
Unknown to secular academia, the apostle Paul described this struggle common to all as a struggle between the "law in our members” aka the law of necessity and "law in the mind" aka universal ideas, values, and principles “written on the heart” (Romans 5:15; 7:22-230).

5. Cancelling Prayer and Providence
Within the mind of every person there exists an internal conflict from which no one can escape. It exists as a conflict between two kinds of interpretative systems. First, there exists an innate Interpretative System structured in the unconscious mind; secondly, there exists a learned interpretive system derived from social existence in a particular environment.
6. War Against Innate Positive Universals
When linguist Kenneth Pike penned the words: “A person may distort innate positive universals into negative particular actions,” he was addressing a problem common to all societies, the problem of what is constant and what is real. Does there exist beyond the phenomenal world another world, a world of Ideas aka forms common to all to which there are attached Divine meanings which are not only real, but constant?
7. Where are the Constants?
There were two intellectual giants of the twentieth century who were aware that the cultural analyst needed fixed standards if one were to discover what ought to be. One was a linguist; the other, an anthropologist. The linguist was a theist. His name was Kenneth Pike. The other was a committed materialist. His name was Marvin Harris.
Theoretically, linguist Kenneth Pike proposed that "etic data provides access into the system --the starting point of analysis." Whether the system be linguistic, semantic, psychological, economic, or social, the only means for measuring and judging the validity of any system is through a framework of fixed data which Pike called "etic data."