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               The Postmodern World

Cancel Culture aka Etic Divergence

"Their own misguided minds lead them astray"  -- Isaiah 44:20

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Culture as Law in Romans 5:20

Almost 100 years ago, Greek scholar Arthur Slaten wrote: "Recognition of the qualitative usage of nouns [signaled by absence of article] is of extreme importance in the translation and interpretation of the New Testament."  Failure to recognize the qualitative use of the article in Romans 5:20 has resulted in a failure of the church to recognize that the  primary force opposing evangelism was culture diversity. Culture as law "sneaked into history" and multiplied chaos.

Cancel the Law of Contradiction

 “The law of contradiction is the basis of all reasoning, the means of making sense of the world, It is a law that says that X and Y cannot be true at the same time if they are mutually exclusive.  It would preclude a man from declaring himself to be a woman, or a woman from declaring herself to be a man, as if one’s sex is simply a matter of what one wills to be.”  --Larry Arnn

Cancel Inherent Meanings?

The canceling of what the apostle Paul calls “strong words,” words to which are attached Inherent Meanings which are fixed and constant means the canceling of science and the rules of logic. Can a society which  insists that all meanings belong to the people survive?

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Cancel "One-Flesh" Union of husband-wife?

The canceling of a universal form, in this case, the covenantal "one flesh" union of husband-wife from being the dominant dyad  of the nuclear family is the stuff of history.  It is the source of the cultural diversity and chaos we see in the world today. 
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Cancel Nuclear Family

"The internal unity of the family a normative unity, and to a large degree it is defectively realized in life as a distortion of the Universal because of sin. A sinful family life presupposes a violation of the structural law of the family." 

                                                                       -- Herman Dooyeweerd

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Cancel Natural Law

Saint Ambrose postulated the existence of an innate Interpreted Law-system "written on the heart."  The existence of such an innate Universal Law-system manifested itself phenomenonly when I asked a group of Chácobo fathers a question which received a completely counter intuitive answer. That question was: “Would you guys prefer to have sons or daughters?” Every man in the circle, without exception,  answered: “Sons, of course. They would help us.” ....

Cancel Sound Words?

Besides Etic Divergence being a physical phenomenon occurring in the mouth, it is also a spiritual phenomenon occurring in the soul. It occurs whenever a society surrenders to contextual environmental pressures and begins to cancel the meanings attached to “sound words” ( II Tim 1:13), meanings which are eternal, fixed, and unchanging. 

One day, as I was in the process of collecting Chácobo mythology, my informant Caco Pistia  related to me and “event” that had  been handed down for generations.  He told me about a time when the sun delayed coming and they experienced a long night.  Was he telling me a fable, or, a bit of actual history?  For him it was history. ...  

To be a true materialist, one must cancel the concept of mind. Instead, according to neo-Darwinist David Webster,  we must say: “We think with our bodies.” But before a person can "think with his or her body," the concept of mind must first be removed from the human psyche. 

Cancel Biblical History, the year 1450 BC?

Cancel Mind

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