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In the Image of God He Created Man

Cancel the Law of Contradiction

The law of contradiction necessitates the existence of a data bank of innate knowledge structured in the subconscious mind. Without this innate knowledge of concepts, rules, and values which can be triggered and brought to consciousness, there would not exist a Law of Contradiction.
The existence of this law implies that every child coming into the world comes equipped with a framework of conceptual constant which makes communication and thinking logically possible.
In the words of Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, “the law of contradiction is the basis of all reasoning, the means for making sense of the world. It is a law that says X and Y cannot be true at the same time if they are mutually exclusive.”
The law precludes the possibility of classifying a dog as a cat, a wife as a male, and people as primates. Cancel the law of contradiction and man would live in meaningless world, an unclassified world of disorder and chaos.
The law of contradiction also puts to an end all possibilities of relativistic thinking. Yet relativistic thinking has led our present generation to declare: “What is true for you is not true for me.” It is the symptom of an “unsound mind” (Romans 1:18).
Now when the LORD created planet earth, Isaiah informs us that “God is the Creator of the heavens. He formed the earth and made it. He established it by giving it form and content; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited”(45:18). But not only was it created to be inhabited, but also for its content to be categorized and catalogued logically according to their KIND.
This meant that before the first man Adam could categorize and catalog the content of God’s creation, he needed to be mentally equipped with the conceptual concepts that made the task of categorizing his sense perceptions possible.
In this regard, it is important to note that Adam did not ask: “Is this perceived thing which has wings, lays eggs, has feathers and flies, a bird or an animal?" Adam innately knew what the qualities of each KIND were. This capacity to classify, name, and organize provides us with deductive evidence that there exists within man an innate Universal Data Base or Lexicon of Conceptual Constants which equips all peoples everywhere to be classifiers and namers. Adam was mentally equipped to be the world’s first classifier and namer aka taxonomist. He was imitating the first namer.
God was the first namer, Adam the second. His descendants the third. Now the significance of the task of naming, as Hebrew scholar U Cassuto points out, is that the "naming of something is a token of lordship ...The Lord of the universe named the parts of the universe and its time-divisions, and he now left it to man to determine the names of those creatures over which He had given him dominion” (Genesis 1:28). The earth was formed to be inhabited, categorized, named, and then utilized, managed, and ruled over. Earth’s content was not to remain in a state of tohu, that is, a perpetual disorganized place of chaos.
Now the first step in introducing both chaos and cultural diversity into the world began when mankind began to classify collateral relatives as brothers and sisters. Now the Law of Contradiction says: No cousin can be a sibling because their parents are different. Yet, for political and economic reasons, most societies in the world have rejected the Law of Contradiction and have merge mutually exclusive status positions.
Now the earliest evidence of a society classifying collateral relatives as brothers and sisters is provided by the Egyptians, namely, the ruling class. The ruling class, at the time of Moses, had classified cousins and all uncles and aunts as "brothers" and "sisters." It was the manifestation of depraved minds. Thinking themselves to be representatives of the gods on earth the Law of Contradiction did not apply to the ruling class.
Today there exists “an abundance of evidence showing that marriages or sexual relations between members of the “nuclear family“ (i.e. parents, children) were common among royalty or special classes of priests since they were the representatives of divine on Earth. They were often privileged to do what was forbidden to members of the ordinary family.”
Based on their views of the transcendent, the ruling caste created a new type of family, one which gave birth to what anthropologists call the CLASSIFICATORY KINSHIP SYSTEM. It was a classificatory scheme which the LORD rejected but which cultural relativist accept as being valid for them. For the relativist manifests “their truth.”
But when Israel left Egypt and entered the Promise Land, the LORD specifically told Moses: "You must not carry out the practices of the land of Egypt, in which you lived, and you must not carry out the practices of the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you; and you must not follow their statutes" (Lev. 18:3). As illustrated above, these statutes included their rejection of the Law of Contradiction and the merging of mutually exclusive status positions.
Now if Israel had followed the practice of restructuring the nuclear family as was the custom of the surrounding nations, it would have signaled that they no longer believed that the LORD could "bless them with abundant provisions and supply the poor with bread" (Psalms 132: 15). In time they would have replaced the Biblical Kinship System for some type of Classificatory System.
But the canceling of the Divine Ideal in which the nuclear family serves as the foundation of society has consequences. Society's anxiety over existence will compel man to reject the Law of Contradiction, suppress the universal, and construct new types of “families."
Now the number of defensive systems based on the merging of status positions, each designed to relieve some existential anxiety and meet particular needs staggers the imagination. The function of each "family" type that exists in the world exists to specifically achieve certain goals and relieve certain anxieties which were shaped by environmental pressures.
In contrast, sociologist Bernard Faber notes:
“the Biblical kinship system facilitates participation in formal organizations, including the schools, business offices, and voluntary associations which are prevalent in our modern society” as well as “tying together rules governing conduct in the family, industry, and commerce, political activity, and general community interaction into a coherent whole.”
Cancelling the Law of Contradiction is no laughing matter. It leads to relativistic thinking. “There is your truth and my truth.”
What is at stake is mankind’s position in the universe.
You made them a little less than the heavenly beings.
You crowned mankind with honor and majesty.
You appoint them to rule over your creation;
you have placed[t] everything under their authority,
including all the sheep and cattle,
as well as the wild animals,
the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that moves through the currents of the seas.
—Psalm 8